With so many applications of the technology at hand, plasma reformers are on their way to becoming the next breakout energy device implemented around the world. It is possible that every combustion engine will eventually employ a plasma reformer, as a means of maximizing their embodied value while ensuring cleaner, greener operation.
Power systems are subject to increasingly stringent regulations regarding allowable emissions, and current emissions controls are expensive to implement. Plasma reformers are proven to reduce several emissions in a single application (including NOx, HC, CO and PM).
H2 Emission Control Technologies
Syngas Enhanced Combustion
Purity of input fuel for fuel cells is key and your feedstock can be cleaned into syngas by using a plasma reformer. Fuel cells can be limited depending on the available fuels in the application of the technology. A plasma reformer is perfect for fuel cells as it cleans input fuels into pure syngas before entering the fuel cell.
Fischer-Tropsch converts syngas into liquid fuels and was invented in Germany in 1925 and has constantly seen improvement since the first uses in that day. While gasification units typically power the systems today, plasma reformers are a great fit towards a more modular and possibly even semi-mobile state to produce fuel where and when needed.
Methane, the gas produced extensively by the livestock industry worldwide, traps up to 100 times more heat in the atmosphere than carbon dioxide within a 5 year period, and 72 times more within a 20 year period. Emissions of methane and natural gasses are damaging to the environment so organizations capture and pipe the gasses or flare them which results in wasted energy and emissions from the flared fuels. It is estimated (as of 2011) that global gas flaring wastes $29.8 billion dollars annually and that represents 25% of the entire natural gas market in the United States. Plasma reformers can help industry clean the gasses so that they can be consumed and turned into electricity or liquid fuels.
Plasma Reformers are poised to achieve the highest standards that regulators can enforce. The technology is so versatile that it is relevant to every combustion engine, fuel cell and Gas-to-Liquids technologies. There are boundless amounts of wasted fuels that can be converted to useable energy because of plasma reformers. As regulators raise the bar, industry will rely on plasma reformers to solve new challenges.
(image) Daniel Wells (Then CEO of Umpqua Energy) received International recognition after being awarded the "America's Next Top Energy Innovator" Award from the Department of Energy and by winning the CTSI Defense Energy Technology 2012 Challenge by developing an energy positive emission control system including HC, CO, PM and NOx reduction by using a plasma reformer.